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Stay tuned....supporting my fellow artists. #SAGAftrastrike2023 

March 17, 2018 at 7pm

The Billie Holiday Theatre,

1368 Fulton Street, Brooklyn, NY.

Samantha will be amongst fifty women writers that have their say, in a short monologue in the curated project by critically acclaimed playwright Dominique Morriseau. These stories are in response to her powerful statement, which partially reads, "As Black Women writers, we fulfill a unique and un-duplicated role in theatre. We are telling the stories that represent us with balance and complexity and illuminate our side of the human experience." A revolutionary event that places the diverse, rich and challenging perspectives of Black women and girls from all walks of life at the center of the era of #MeToo.


These stories will be read by an ensemble of actresses in an astounding 90-minute journey of truth, humor and strength.

(***Samantha's work was performed by Primetime Emmy Award nominated Actress Marsha Stephanie Blake.***)

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