I wrote this piece out of joy and to celebrate all of me and the way I was created. To close out women’s history month, I wanted to give attention to all the women who take on the world’s insecurities and make them their own. The attention seeking lately has brought on deadly consequences and dysmorphic ways of seeing their own natural beauty.
When I wrote this piece, it was after a sweet encounter that left me blushing. I was at my favorite restaurant one day, eating by myself, enjoying my peace as I usually do, when a man in the restaurant approached me. He watched my every move. When I came in and when I sat down. He finished his meal, paid his bill, came to my table and said “I don’t mean to bother you and I didn’t mean to stare but I just wanted to tell you that you’re a rarity. Don’t ever change beautiful.” He left and didn’t look back.
Now I have no right speaking on what someone wants to do with their body. But I have the poetic license to do so. And even though I appreciate the compliment from that day, I always had to work on making sure that I see myself as beautiful regardless of how anyone sees me. At the end of the day I have to love how I see me.
The intention behind what I’m expressing here I think is clear. Holding a standard of beauty that physically hurts should not be so desired. “Beauty is pain” is such an overrated phrase. Now women’s history month is about the achievements and contributions that women have made in history but I think we need to make one to each other everyday. Women, I think we should contribute by pouring into each other words of affirmation and men if you feel the urge, remind a woman that she is an original rare and beautiful body of work.